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Powerboat Tracking Vehicle

Charter our 8ft RIB as the dedicated tracking boat for your next shoot on the water.

RIB Tracking vehicle service

Charter our 8-meter RIB as the dedicated tracking vehicle for your next shoot. Our luxury powerboat boasts sharp manoeuvrability and reaches speeds of up to 30 knots. The boat’s open deck offers a range of options with regard to filming rigs and set ups. Use a fixed tripod system or a more elaborate stabilisation system to capture your perfect shot. Rest assured that our skilled captains can keep up with your demands; our skippers are Ex-Royal Marines, trained stuntmen, lifeboat crew members, and friendly faces happy and prepared to work around your demands.

Make an Enquiry

If you are interested in a film boat service please make an enquiry here and we will provide a quote as soon as possible.

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